
Clarity Call

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Clarity Call

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We've all felt 'stuck' at some point in our lives.

But it's never as frustrating as when it comes to women.

And the reason you feel stuck?

Because you lack clarity.

These calls are designed to give you clarity, so you can finally feel unstuck when it comes to women.

Who are they designed for?

  • Men who have a girl they’re in to and don’t want to mess it up
  • Men who have just got into a relationship (and are unsure if she’s the right one)
  • Men who want to know what it is they’re doing wrong, but don’t need a full-program
  • Men who are already in a relationship and want assessment of the root causes of their problems, and a guide for what to do next
  • Men who keep repeating the same patterns with women and want to know why that is (E.G hearing “I didn’t feel that spark”, get nervous approaching women, overthinking, running out of things to say etc.)

I’ve worked with guys who are 47 years old and losing intimacy in their marriage. I’ve worked with guys on the brink of divorce. Guys who have only just started dating, and needed a few pointers. Guys who have 0 experience dating. Guys who have slept around a lot, but have repented and now want to hold down a good woman. And everything in between.

But I want you to note one thing.

These Clarity Calls are NOT meant for guys:

1.      Who just want to get laid,

2.      Or need WHOLESCALE changes to their relationships/dating lives.

The first I will not help.

The second I can help.

But they would be better served joining the Dynastic Dating Program.

No, these one-off Clarity Calls, are aimed at the men listed above.

How I can help you:

  • Overcome ‘approach anxiety’
  • Figure out if she’s the right one
  • Overcome fears around intimacy
  • Restart your sex life in a marriage setting
  • Begin building emotional connections on dates
  • How to start conversations on the right footing
  • Help you lead your relationship into deeper intimacy
  • Identify red-flags, and whether they’re solvable or not
  • Figure out why you’re afraid of failure (or success…) with women
  • How to build a romantic undertone to conversations around women
  • Improve your dating profile and messaging to get consistent dates from them
  • So you can find, build and maintain a loving, intimate relationship which leads to marriage and family

How it works:

Step one: You can purchase this one-on-one Clarity Call, and I’ll follow up with you in one business day. We’ll discuss your issues first, so I have an idea of them going into the call.

Step two: You’ll receive an automated email with a Calendly link to book the call in my schedule.

Step three: Our call will be hosted by Zoom.

We’ll start with your issues and goals, and then reverse engineer them into specific, actionable steps you can take.

Is this right for you?

I don’t know.

But I’ve helped over 140 men improve their self-image. Build confidence. Get 10 dates in a 6-week period. Get 3 dates a week. Approach women at the grocery store, get their number and get into a relationship.

I’ve helped men enter loving, committed relationships… get married… have children…

How much does the call cost?

Well, entry to the Dynastic Dating Program runs from $3000-$10000 depending on length, timing and intensity.

But you don’t have to pay anywhere near that much for this one-off Clarity Call.

Instead, we can work together for a one-time fee of a few hundred dollars.

Why so cheap…?

Well, it’s a low-cost, low-risk investment for you to see what it’s like working with me… and possibly continue working together in the future.

What’s more?

Not everyone needs a 12-week intensive program which rewrites the way they view dating, women and relationships.

If that’s you?

This Clarity Call allows me to still provide you value.

So if this is something you’re interested in?

Click "I Want This!"

I’m only going to be opening this opportunity up until Friday 22nd March at 11:59PM EST.

And there are only 5 spots available.

I want this!
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